Pathology and Development Strategies and Expedition of Wastewater Projects Implementation

Document Type : Technical Note


1 Deputy Director for Engineering and Development, Water & Wastewater Engineering Company

2 Consulting of national water and waste water direct manager


A review of the twenty years of experience in the implementation of wastewater projects in the country shows that in spite of many efforts and achieving the 46.18 percent of urban population utilizing modern sewage services, it is necessary to study the pathology of the implemented plans, the grounds for obtaining solutions tailored to the needs of the country and accelerate the comprehensive coverage of modern sewage services. Failure to pay attention to technical and economic justification in the studies of projects and the significant number of half-finished projects and unused capacities are among general harms resulted from sewage projects in the country to which the poor quality of effluent and the low efficiency of the treatment processes in some of the implemented projects should be added. Paying attention to the issue of economic market and effluent tariffs, transparency in effluent marketing and usage policies, the creation of appropriate patterns commensurate with the climate and operational capability, and the management of the maintenance and updating of facilities and manpower operating them, along with the creation of a ground for private sector to participate in implementing and managing projects are topics ahead of this section.


Ghane, A.A., and Ghanadi, M., (2017), “Pathology, Construction and Development Strategies of Wastewater Projects Implementation”, Water and Wastewater Science and Engineering, 2(1), 46-51.