Evaluate and Calculate the Average Zone Pressure and Night-Day Factor and Their Application in the Analysis of Water Distribution Networks

Document Type : Technical Note


1 nrw manager

2 nrw expert


Managing operating pressures in a drinking water distribution system is essential to manage actual losses and some of the consumption components, to control the frequency of new leaks on main lines and to splits, and to increase the life of the infrastructure. The average pressure of the area is a key parameter for all calculations and modeling of the water distribution network, therefore a systematic method for measuring the average pressure region is necessary. Due to the FAVAD relationship (leakage of fixed and variable pores), the leakage flow rate changes with the average pressure of the region. The average pressure of the area during the 24 hours of the day changes in many systems and zones, as a result of which the leakage flow rate also changes.Therefore, Night-Day Factor (NDF) should be calculated to convert the leakage rate to the average daily leakage. In a DMA, the average pressures per hour as well as calculating the leakage of the FAVAD relationship is easily calculated by the NDF from the formula "Total 24-hour leakage divided by minimum leakage".


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